
Enriching Graph Representations of Text: Application to Medical Text Classification

International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, Madrid, Spain.
COMPLEX NETWORKS 2020: Complex Networks and their Applications IX pp 92-103.

Graph based representations have been utilized to achieve state-of-the-art performance in text classification tasks. The same basic structure underlies knowledge graphs, large knowledge bases that contain rich information about the world. This paper capitalises on the graph of words model and enriches it with concepts from knowledge graphs, resulting in more powerful hybrid representations of […]

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GUIDELINES to FAIRify data management and make data reusable (PARTHENOS)

A comprehensive set of PARTHENOS Guidelines to FAIRify data management and make data reusable is focusing on the topic of common policies. This compact guide offers twenty guidelines to align the efforts of data producers, data archivists and data users in humanities and social sciences to make research data as reusable as possible based upon […]

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APOLLONIS Greek Infrastructure for Digital Arts, Humanities and Language Research and Innovation (poster) (DH2019)

DH2019, Utrecht, July 2019.

APOLLONIS is the Greek national infrastructure for Digital Arts, Humanities and Language Research and Innovation. It brings together the leading strengths and capacities in the field by providing high-level computational tools, interoperable datasets and services. APOLLONIS was recently formed by the union of two existing ESFRI-related national research infrastructures: CLARIN:EL, the CLARIN-related Greek network for […]

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Developing and Integrating Training Materials on Research Infrastructures into Higher Education course design: The PARTHENOS Experience

This long paper set a context for training around Research Infrastructures, and their inclusion in formal Higher Education courses. Using PARTHENOS materials as a case study, we discussed the rationale for and process of designing the course to incorporate training materials around Research Infrastructures following extensive research via a survey, desk research and workshops into […]

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Inside the Query Space of DL Knowledge Bases

The paper describes theoretically the method of constructing a graph with all the conjunctive queries that can be submitted on a knowledge base with ontologically characterized information, and ranking the queries based on the inclusion relations between their answers. Description Logics 2019.Inside the Query Space of DL Knowledge Bases:

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DARIAH Annual Event 2019: Humanities Data.Book of Abstarcts

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DH Foresight: Informing the Future of Methods and Infrastructures

The article focuses on the research results of a foresight study on the progress, problems, needs and goals of Digital Humanities, as derived from the analysis of bibliography, research trends and interviews with researchers. An extensive summary of the paper has been published in the Booklet of Abstracts of the DARIAH-EU Annual Meeting 2019, pp. […]

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The BackBone Thesaurus (BBT): Evolving a meta-thesaurus for the humanities through collaborative, distributed thesauri maintenance and development (poster)

The poster presentation showcases the development and collaborative management of the BackBone Thesaurus (BBT) – an overarching thesaurus for the Humanities, along with the online tool that enables users navigate through the hierarchies of BBT, connect thesauri to it, as well as propose to modify the structure of the meta-thesaurus upon expanding its scope.

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Working Group Chairs Exchange Session

Working Groups Exchange Session AE2019 Wednesday, the 15th of May, 11:00-13:00, Warsaw University Library: 316

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The Battleground of Humanities Data: Handling Multidisciplinarity and Diversity

The paper presents the methodology adopted by the team of the Greek national infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DYAS) in handling the complex issues of multidisciplinarity and diversity of Humanities data. It focuses on three specific actions developed by DYAS: the registry of Greek collections that are related to Humanities and Social Sciences; the […]

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