DYAS Humanities Thesaurus
The DYAS Humanities Thesaurus is an ongoing project. If you want to contribute to its enrichment, you are invited to propose terms through the THEMAS thesaurus management tool. To do so, please email dyas@academyofathens.gr providing your details (name, email, professional identity, institutional affiliation, contact phone number), your request, as well as your scientific interests and we will contact you.

This is a multilingual structured thesaurus for use by humanities researchers. It is maintained and supported by the Academy of Athens.
The DYAS Humanities Thesaurus is the result of an effort to create a multilingual structured thesaurus for use by humanities researchers. It is a special thesaurus based on the principles, methodology and hierarchies of the BBT.
The Thesaurus is the intellectual property of the Academy of Athens (AA), the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and the School of Fine Arts (ASFA). It is a collaborative effort and was created during the projects “DARIAH GR Creating an Infrastructure Network for Research in the Humanities” (2013-2015) and “APOLLONIS: National Infrastructure for the Digital Arts and Humanities and for Language Research and Innovation” (2017-2020). It is maintained and supported by the Academy of Athens.
The thesaurus management tool THeMaS developed by the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas was used to create it. To view the thesaurus in its development environment, follow the link and type username: Reader (without a password).